This is a classic hymn, loved by many, though it is not heard as often by today’s generation. O make us love Thee more and more!"Īnother text by a convert, Jesus! my Lord, my God, my all! was written by the Anglican priest turned Catholic priest, Frederick William Faber (1814-1863). She set the words to the lovely Gaelic tune Domhnach Trionoide which translates “Trinity Sunday.” Listen here. This beautiful, haunting hymn was written by an English nun of the Society of the Sacred Heart, Janet Erskine Stuart (1857-1914), who converted from Anglicanism. However, it struck me how in each different version, the profound meaning of the text did not change, and the truth about our God that is at the heart of the verses was just as powerful despite poetic alterations. Often one stands out to you more than others, or perhaps the one you knew first will always be your favorite. In researching Be Thou My Vision and Jesus King Most Wonderful, just as with many old texts, original or translated, you will find many different versions. The tune is the traditional Irish melody "Slane". These versions by Maire Brennan and Meghan Doran are particularly beautiful. In Old Irish, it is Rop tú mo baile (pronounced rop too moh walluh) and in modern Irish Bí Thusa 'mo Shúile (bee hessa moh hooluh). Patrick known as his " Breastplate." However, there is now evidence that the hymn wasn't written until 950 A.D. It was long attributed to Saint Dallán Forgaill of the 6th century, who was thought to be inspired by the words and ideas in the prayer by St. This Old Irish text is certainly the most ancient on this list. MacNutt was actually an Anglican, as was Vaughn Williams, but the original music is still by a Catholic, one who resisted the Reformation at that, despite the risk of persecution. This arrangement is by Walter MacNutt, who created the choral parts from Vaughn Williams’ orchestral score. Tallis composed this melody for a setting of Psalm 2, so it was always meant for voice and for worship. (If you want to hear a complete song of his, not just a theme, listen to If Ye Love Me.) Thomas Tallis was a prolific composer who became a musician for the court and Gentleman of the Chapel Royal under Henry VIII during the Reformation, as well as under Edward VI, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth I but he always remained faithful to the Roman Catholic Church. It may be familiar as it was borrowed in the famous work for string orchestra Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis by the renowned British composer Ralph Vaughn Williams (1872-1958). The tune used in this English verse setting of Jesu Rex ( listen here) is actually taken from a theme by Thomas Tallis (1505-1595). (If you want to hear more of Palestrina's incredible music, listen to Sicut Cervus, “ As the Deer Longs.”) The Latin title of one section of Jesu Dulcis Memoria is Jesu Rex Admirabilis (O Jesus, King Most Wonderful), as used in this beautiful motet by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

The original Latin has been set to music by many composers over the almost 1000 years of its existence. It is part of his magnificent set of 53 verses Jesu Dulcis Memoria (set to a poignant Gregorian chant) known as "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" in translation.

This venerable Latin text was written by St. "Jesus, may all confess thy name, thy wondrous love adore and, seeking thee, their hearts inflame to seek thee more and more." Here are some of my favorite hymns that were written by saints and other holy members of the one, catholic, and apostolic faith-their lyrics are heavenly food for contemplation! O Jesus, King Most Wonderful There is something ineffably powerful about those words which saints and scholars of the true faith have written, and which followers of the faith have set to music " all to the glory of God." Decorated in verse, the Truth is yet bared, exposed, and perhaps more striking in song than inadequate prose. What better way to do this than through the beauty of song-in hymns that express the entirety of our belief without qualification or contradiction? “To sing is to pray twice.” - St. But we must not cease to proclaim the fullness of the truth, both for our own souls and for the salvation of others. In this age of secularism, we do right to strengthen the bond which is a shared belief in our Savior, the Son of God, Who died and rose for us. Sometimes we forget that there was a time when the Church was one faith and to be “Christian” was to be Catholic.